Cruise Knowledge_C_20202
In this course, you will learn about ship information as floating hotel which includes: provisioning when leaving for the cruise ship, job description as per your occupation, glossary term on board, vessel familiarization program, ships rule and regulation, environmental, healthy, and security, safety on board: life boat and life raft as well as crew medical check up which is the basic knowledge that must be mastered by students, the objectives are fully explained in course profile
Cruise Knowledge_B_20202
In this course, you will learn about ship information as floating hotel which includes: provisioning when leaving for the cruise ship, job description as per your occupation, glossary term on board, vessel familiarization program, ships rule and regulation, environmental, healthy, and security, safety on board: life boat and life raft as well as crew medical check up which is the basic knowledge that must be mastered by students, the objectives are fully explained in course profile
Cruise Knowledge_A_20202
In this course, you will learn about ship information as floating hotel which includes: provisioning when leaving for the cruise ship, job description as per your occupation, glossary term on board, vessel familiarization program, ships rule and regulation, environmental, healthy, and security, safety on board: life boat and life raft as well as crew medical check up which is the basic knowledge that must be mastered by students, the objectives are fully explained in course profile
Pelatihan Tambahan SPB_MKL_20201
Pada pelatihan tambahan ini mahasiswa menginterpretasikan pengetahuan menu (sejarah, definisi, fungsi jenis-jenis menu). Pada pelatihan tambahan ini mahasiswa juga akan belajar tentang metode memasak, jenis breakfast menu, struktur menu lunch dan dinner, hidangan pembuka, soup, salad, hidangan utama, hidangan penutup dan sauce.
Operasional Bar_A_20201
Pada mata kuliah ini mahasiswa belajar teori dan praktek mengembangkan potensi diri menjadi seorang bartender, mahasiswa wajib belajar membuat minuman beralkohol maupun tidak beralkohol, memahami kategori minuman beralkohol, jenis minuman beralkohol, bagaimana tehnik pengelolaan dan penyajian minumannya serta memahami fungsi alat yang digunakan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran adalah pembelajaran tatap muka, diskusi, tugas project, dll. Pada tahapan pertengahan dan akhir semester pembelajaran akan diadakan evaluasi capaian pembelajaran melalui test tertulis/ lisan/demonstrasi praktik.