Operasional Pemesanan Kamar_C_SMT 2_20212
Unit descriptor
Receive and process reservations
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Receive and process reservations in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.
Unit Code:
D1.HFO.CL2.01 D2.TTA.CL2.17
Nominal Hours:
35 hours
Element 1: Describe the elements of the reservation system
Performance Criteria
1.1 Differentiate between a manual reservation system and a computerised reservation system1.2 Describe the types of bookings that may be processed
1.3 Identify the ways in which reservations may be received
1.4 Differentiate between customers who may require reservations
Element 2: Respond to reservation requests
Performance Criteria
2.1 Acknowledge customer who wishes to make a reservation2.2 Identify required reservation details
2.3 Advise customer of availability of requested booking
2.4 Offer alternatives if requested booking is unavailable
2.5 Offer advice and information about available products, services and facilities
2.6 Respond to questions asked by customer
Element 3: Enter reservation details into system
Performance Criteria
3.1 Record reservation details3.2 Update and utilise existing customer history
3.3 Confirm booking details with customer on completion of data entry
3.4 Explain relevant reservation issues
3.5 Accept payment for reservation
3.6 File reservation
3.7 Generate reservation-related documentation
4.2 Cancel reservations
4.3 Follow up unconfirmed reservations
4.4 Update internal records, documents and files as required
5.2 Notify external organisations in relation to reservations
Element 4: Maintain reservations
Performance Criteria
4.1 Amend existing reservations as required4.2 Cancel reservations
4.3 Follow up unconfirmed reservations
4.4 Update internal records, documents and files as required
Element 5: Communicate reservation details to others
Performance Criteria
5.1 Notify internal personnel, service areas and departments in relation to reservations5.2 Notify external organisations in relation to reservations