S2TP3_Pariwisata Minat Khusus_A2_20212
The students will be able to analyze current issues regarding theories, concepts, and approaches in special interest tourism and implement them into scientific article writing.
S2TP3_Pariwisata dan Perdagangan Digital_A2_20212
The students will be able to analyze theories, concepts, and approaches to conventional and digital hospitality and tourism marketing concepts.
S2TP3_Pariwisata Budaya_A2_20212
The students will be able to analyze and implement theories, concepts, and approaches to cultural tourism in Bali, Asia, Europe and Africa through writing scientific papers.
S2TP3_Pariwisata Digital_A2_20212
The students will be able to use digital tools, social media platforms and create virtual tours/videos as a tourism destination promotion strategy.
S2TP3_Pengelolaan Destinasi Wisata_A2_20212
The students will be able to critically and deeply analyze the latest concepts, approaches, and innovations in the management of tourist destinations and implement them into Project Based Learning.